

Great Apes of Uganda Safari Kibale Forest N.p., Queen Elizabeth N.p. & Bwindi N.p.

The primate capital of the World


Detailed Itinerary
DAY1 Entebbe/Kampala - Kibale Forest N.P.Wake up to the rhythm of nature, have breakfast, check out and embark on a long scenic ride via Kampala Mityana and Mubende respectively to Fort Portal town. Continue to Kibale Forest National Park, settle-in at Primate Lodge and a hot meal shall be served. After lunch, embark on the scenic exploration of Kibale area for as long as time permits. Nestle-in at your preferred lodging facility.Transfer Time: About 8hrsDAY 2Chimpanzee Tracking or Chimpanzee Habituation ExperienceThis early morning, wake-up and have breakfast, attend briefing by the Ranger-guide and enter the sanctuary to embark on your morning Chimpanzee tracking session. In addition to a large community of chimpanzees, there are 13 other primate species, including red and black-and-white colobus monkeys, l’Hoest’s, red-tailed, vervet and blue monkeys, grey-cheeked mangabeys, olive baboons, as well as four species of nocturnal primates.The birdlife is prolific, with approximately 400 species recorded for the area. Highlights include the crested guineafowl, great blue turaco, grey parrot, green-breasted & African pitas, African crowned eagles and black bee-eaters. Break for lunch and then embark on an afternoon Bigodi Swamp Walk. The Swamp is a community-based tourism project which offers a platform for you to see more primates, swamps, and forest birds. On your tour, you will likely see several kinds of monkeys including black and white colobus, red colobus, mangabey, red tail, vervet, and L’Hoest. Other wetlands mammals include baboons, sitatunga (an increasingly endangered swamp antelope), bush pigs, civet cats, mongooses, bushbucks and an occasional chimpanzee appearance.After dinner, prepare and undergo briefing by the ranger guide. With strong touches and night vision gear, follow your allocated guide on a night forest walk. Look out for bush babies, galagos, and eagle owls among other animal species. Return to your preferred lodging facility.
DAY 3Breakfast – Transfer to Queen Elizabeth N.P.After an early breakfast, check-out and embark on a long picturesque transfer via Fort Portal and Kasese Towns respectively to Queen Elizabeth National Park. Access the park via Kabatooro gate and visit the Queen’s Pavilion for a panoramic view of the park. Take an en-route game-drive as you transfer to your lodging facility. Break for lunch and relax in the afternoon. In the late afternoon/early evening join your driver/guide on a sundown game-drive to end your day in an adventurous style. Return and relax at your preferred lodge for the rest of the evening.Transfer Time: About 5hrs.
Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
DAY 4Sunrise Game-drive – Kazinga Boat-LaunchWake-up to the sounds of the nature, get on board and embark on a sunrise game-drive. The vast savannah plains, swamps and forests of Queen Elizabeth are home to about 95 mammals and over 600 bird-species. Look-out for lions, leopards, elephants, warthogs, bushbucks, cape buffaloes and waterbucks among others. We shall utilize a network of trails to access animal habitats and create more avenues for you to see and experience as much as nature shall make available.After lunch, transfer to the pier/dock to arrive on time for your afternoon boat-ride on boat Kazinga Channel. A thread of water that joins lakes George and Edward, Kazinga Channel is lifeline/habitat to Nile Crocodiles, arguably the highest concentration of Hippos on planet Earth, different species of Egrets, Goliath Herons, and Saddle – billed Storks, African Fish Eagles, Egyptian Gees and Cormorants among other bird species. The channel is a source of for Elephants, buffaloes and many other bird-species. Return to the dock and exploit the remaining part of the day in the wild.Meals and bed at your preferred lodging facility.
Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
DAY 5To Ishasha – Bwindi Impenetrable Forest N.P.Watch the sunrise over the panoramic lakes George and Edward, breakfast, check-out and take an en-route game-drive as you exit Mweya Peninsular section heading to the Ishasha section that is renowned for the tree-climbing lions. We shall employ a network of trails in the southern circuit to create viewing avenues of the great predators hanging in Fig and Acacia Trees. After picnic lunch, proceed and follow meandering routes to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. Settle-in at your preferred accommodation facility.Transfer Time: About 7hrs
DAY 6Day to Track GorillasA chilly and misty morning, wake-up and prepare for the summit of your Uganda Safari; the encounter with the critically endangered Gentle Great Apes!! Pack lunch, water and a rain gear and attend the briefing session to be conducted by the head-ranger. After, get hold of your walking stick, carry your lunch, camera and binoculars and follow our allocated ranger-guide into the gorilla sanctuary. Follow instructions as shall be given by the ranger, maintain silence and appreciated nature. On sight of the gorillas, keep calm and watch them feed, play, swing from one branch to another and fully exploit the strictly one hour allowed in their presence. Bwindi Forest is an ancient forest with a diversity of flora and fauna for you to see, feel and experience. Return to the launch site, receive your tracking certificates and take a ride back to your lodge for the rest of the evening. Possible Batwa Community visit if time permits.Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
DAY 7Bwindi – Entebbe – Flight outLast moments in the domain of the Gentle Great Apes, breakfast, check-out and follow snaking routes via villages and trading centers to finally access and break for lunch at Igongo Cultural Centre and visit the Museum, proceed to Kampala with a brief stop at the Equator for a photo opportunity and shopping for curio items. Farewell dinner in Entebbe, proceed to the airport to arrive on time for your onward flight back home.

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