

4 Days Gorilla Trekking - Rwanda

The Ultimate Gorilla Experience


Parc National de Volcans or Volcanoes National park was first gazetted in 1925. Decades later, this park assumed international recognition when, in 1967, Diana Fossey an American naturalist arrive and set up the Karisoke Research Centre. Diana’s research and exposure to the plight of the endangered gorillas decorate her legacy over three decades since her demise. Diana’s life is portrayed in the Movie, “Gorillas in the Mist”!

With 8 ancient volcanoes shared by Uganda, DR Congo, and Rwanda, the park is endowed with a vast altitudinal range thus vegetation varies considerably! There is a lower montane forest and between 2500 to 3200m, bamboo forest occupies the section of the park. Lobelia, meadows, marshes, swamps, and small lakes cover the land at heights of between 3600 – 4500m.

The fauna is rich and incredibly popular with the Great Gentle Apes; the Mountain Gorillas. In addition, golden monkeys, black-fronted duikers, buffaloes, spotted hyenas, and bushbuck are residents of the park. Avid bird watchers have a total of 178 recorded bird species to look out for; 13 bird species and 16 subspecies are endemic to the Great Albertine Rift Biodiversity area that also covers the Virunga Conservation area.

The capital of Rwanda’s Conservation, Parc National des Volcans is situated about 2hrs from Kigali (the Capital of Rwanda). Gorilla tracking, Golden Monkey Tracking, Volcano Hikes, and the Hike to Diana Fossey’s Grave (the Iconic scientist buried in the park) are the major tourist activities.

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